Well what can I say about this years garden party...
Firstly we would like to thank everyone who attended, participated in the hosting and to all those amazing people and companies who donated some truly fantastic raffle prizes. We had the most fantastic turn out, with so many people from our local community attending. Our wonderful residents and guests alike, all appeared to enjoy the entertainment and games, which included Marks Ark Animal Show, Nightchasers Discos (providing us with a wonderful array of music and announcements), a variety of different garden games such as hook-a-duck, and a bit of face painting.
The BBQ, a selection of scones, cakes and drinks also added to summer vibe, with the weather putting in a glorious appearance of Cornish sunshine which highlighted the beautiful views from the patio of the sea and across to Falmouth (with only one tiny shower that lasted just a couple of minutes).
All in all, it was a fantastic day that was enjoyed by everyone involved and we look forward to our next big event.